5 Things I’ve learned building my first blocks for Gutenberg

Over the last few months I’ve watched as Gutenberg has been developed, silently taking notes, watching for patterns and possible areas to excel in.

Then I found that the domain Pillar.Press was available and it snapped me into action.

You see, for about 6 months I’ve had the name Pillar saved as a name idea for a headless WordPress theme I wanted to create.

Last September, Todd Motto passed the HTML5Blank theme to me to take over development for.

It hasn’t received much in the way of updates over the past few years, but it has a strong following.

I’ve cleaned it up a bit and launched a new landing page, but it’s code is so far behind WordPress standards I figure a fresh start was needed.

The plan was to use the name Pillar as the “refreshed” theme.

Well, that’s got a new plan, because after a random search in Namecheap showed the Pillar.Press domain was available, the Pillar name is now being used for the custom Gutenberg blocks I’m building.

Building Blocks with Pillar Press

If what they say is true, and Gutenberg is the future of WordPress, my hope is that Pillar Press becomes the cornerstone of content creation with WordPress.

Since making the decision to use Pillar Press as the name for my custom Gutenberg blocks solution, I’ve jumped in head first with all of the knowledge I’ve soaked up over the last few months.

As a WordPress developer who’s lived in Windows for 20+ years, I’ve recently made the switch to Linux full time and I am extremely happy I have.

I’ve learned a lot in these last few months, and feel that my skills as a developer have been growing at hyper-speed over the last few weeks while building my first blocks plugin.

What better way to celebrate becoming a better developer than by documenting what you’ve learned on a recent project?

*Insert Usher Confessions GIF here*

How to use Node.js and NPM

While I’ve written a lot of code in my life, I’ve been weary of working with Node or NPM, composer, etc.

Probably just the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” approach I had to my development for many years.

So, this time around I’ve told myself that I’ll do whatever is needed to learn Node and NPM.

The first thing I did was check to make sure I already had Node and NPM installed.

In the command line, you can do that like this: node -v and npm -v.

If you need to install either of them on Linux, you can do check out the official documentation to find the method to install via the package manager.

For Windows users, Treehouse has a nice write up on how you can install Node and NPM on Windows.

How to use create-guten-block to build a Blocks plugin

If you do any serious work with WordPress and haven’t heard of Ahmad Awais, you need to catch up

Ahmad first put out a Gutenberg Boilerplate, then upgraded that to the create-guten-block solution for quickly building a Gutenberg Blocks plugin.

Again, this type of development (command line) wasn’t something I’ve been 100% comfortable with, so this pushed me outside of my comfort zones.

I’ve learned how to run NPM and figuring out how the build process worked, how to add a .gitignore file to a project in order to keep the node_modules folder from being sent to Github, and about a dozen other things.

The more I use Gutenberg, the more I like it

When I first seen Gutenberg, I hated it.

I think my gut reaction was because of the fear that I’d have to learn something so far outside of my comfort zone as a developer.

Over time, especially more recently as I’ve been developing for Gutenberg, I’ve come to actually like the new content editor for WordPress.

There’s a learning curve, sure, but who cares?

It’s coming to WordPress regardless of how you and I feel about having to learn something new in order to continue building plugins and themes with WordPress.

I realized that if I hated it so bad, I’d have to go learn some new CMS anyways, so why not stick with what I’ve developed with for over a dozen years?

That way of thinking is paying off.

After browsing articles, then installing and actually getting my hands dirty with Gutenberg, I’ve found a hidden happiness when I tackle a new piece of code in a language I barely touched before, and quickly pick it up.

The learning curve actually isn’t that bad – and again, this is coming from a Windows developer who didn’t do anything in a command line for almost all 20 years that I’ve been developing for the web.

Things are changing FAST with Gutenberg’s impending release

The first block I built was a Spacer block, because it seemed like the easiest one to start with since there was only one option – the height of the space between blocks.

Well, in Gutenberg v2.8 there is now a default Spacer block included.

So, now I have the joy of removing the first block I built and the Content Blocks plugin it was a part of is left with one less block.

But that’s part of the fun in it all, right?

The constant change means that as a developer you and I have to constantly think about our next moves and what’s going to be best long-term.

Another change that’s happening right now is the move of several components from wp.blocks to wp.editor.

While not a huge change, it will cause problems for anyone who’s built a Gutenberg compatible plugin up to this point and has their components added the old way.

And again, that’s the beauty of building alongside a plugin like Gutenberg, the constant change keeps you on your feet as a developer.

Either that, or you fall miserably to your death in a pool of outdated skill-sets.


Final thoughts

I’m excited to see where Gutenberg goes over the next few months as it makes it’s way into WordPress core.

I’m also excited to see Pillar Press grow into a powerful solution for WordPress users as they begin using Gutenberg.

What about you?

Have you started looking into Gutenberg yet and what you’ll do to upgrade your WordPress skills to work with it?

Or are you on the side of the fence that hates Gutenberg and everything it stands for?