Minimalism is beautiful.
There’s something about the clean, airy feeling you get when you look at a design that’s truly minimalist in it’s execution that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
At least that’s how it makes me feel.
In the spirit of beautiful minimalism, today I am releasing my second free WordPress theme to the community. I named it MNML in the spirit of minimalism (no vowels cluttering up the word Minimal).
This minimalist WordPress theme is 100% open source and free to do as you wish with it. It’s up on Github, so you’re able to fork it, push commits and let me know of any bugs you may find.
One thing I did notice is that this theme was much faster to build than my previous Clean Blog theme. I don’t think it’s because it’s “minimalist”, but because I’m much more familiar with the Underscores theme now, and am starting to find my rhythm.
Building the base of the theme took a couple of hours, then the styling and tweaking of CSS took a few more.
The perfectionist in me struggled with releasing this theme today, without adding in action hooks and other cool shit. Ultimately, I decided that MNML will be truly minimalist and not bloated with a lot of extra features.
A few weeks from now, this might change and you may see me push some updates to the repository with extra widgetized areas, action hooks and other goodies. Who knows?
For now, onto the theme!
Demo & Download
First, check out the live demo.
If you like it, you can download the MNML theme on Github. I am thinking about submitting this to the official WordPress repository. Although, it’s been about a now since I submitted the Clean Blog theme with nothing happening, so I may just leave it on Github and call it a day.
Under the hood
There’s not much happening under the hood of this theme, but there are a couple things I did want to make note of.
The entire right sidebar is widgetized, so you can drag and drop your favorite widgets in there. The demo has the stock widgets that show up when you install WordPress, so you can see how it looks out of the box.
In the theme customizer, you are able to change the link hover color, and also edit the copyright bar in the footer to something of your liking.
See, I told you there wasn’t too much happening under the hood 🙂
Credits & Thank-you’s
Without the open source projects below, this theme would have never came together the way that it has. I’d like to say thank you to everyone who was indirectly a part of this WordPress theme’s release.
The road ahead
Thank you for taking the time to read this entire release post.
Thank you for downloading and checking the theme out, and thank you for any issues you find with it that you report through Github.
Like I mentioned above, I am not sure what will happen to this theme next, or if there will be any additional features built in.
One thing I do know though, is that I will continue to release free WordPress themes, Bootstrap templates and other open source goodies.
For now, take the MNML theme for a test drive, download it (Github Repository · direct download), and let me know how you like it.